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5 reasons to stock up and buy firewood logs before winter

When we bid farewell to summer and say ‘how do you do’ to the chillier climes of Autumn, here’s why you should use the summer months to get stocked up on kiln dried logs before winter hits!

Here are our top 5 reasons to stock up on firewood logs before winter hits:

1. Beat the winter firewood rush

As soon as the winter chill bites demand for seasoned logs rockets. We always aim to deliver within a matter of days, but in the winter, you may need to wait a lot longer than usual due to high demand. Order logs in the summer and we can usually deliver within just a few days. Also, you usually have a bit more flexibility as to when you’d like your logs to be delivered too!

2. Get logs at the best prices

You usually get more logs for your money when you order your logs in the summer months. If you leave your log ordering duties until winter then you’re more likely to pay a lot more too as demand outweighs supply. When demand goes up so too can log prices. It’s no different to any other industry.

3. Stash your logs away while it’s still warm!

When we deliver your logs to the front or side of your property, inevitably, you’ll need to put them away in your chosen storage place (e.g log store, garage, shed etc). And this of course takes time! It’s not a pleasant task putting logs away in the bitter cold – so crack open a beer and stockpile logs in the summer months when the sun’s cracking the flags instead!

4. Stock up on logs while it’s still light

If there’s one thing we can all agree on it is this: stacking logs away in the dark cold winter months is no fun whatsoever! So it makes a great deal of sense to order logs while the afternoons and early evenings are still fairly light.

5. Better chance of supply

Ordering ahead of winter means you’re better placed to get a delivery of logs before suppliers run out in the winter! It’s far from unusual to find log suppliers’ websites shouting ‘sold out’ before Christmas – so order logs now to avoid a potential winter of discontent.

If you follow our advice remember us fondly when the weather outside is frightful – because your fire will still be so delightful!

Got questions, or want to share your fire lighting tips? Drop us a message in the comments!

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