About Us
Welcome to Log HQ!
Thanks for checking in! We hope you enjoy your stay!
We’re pretty sure you’re here to get to know us a little better so you know what makes us tick and…what fires us up to do what it is we do!
So, without further ado, here’s our story of how we came to be…and how from small acrorns, mighty oaks grew (even though we do prefer ash logs if we don’t mind saying so ourselves!).
About our Ready To Burn kiln dried logs
So you want…
- Logs that give more heat? Yep!
- Logs that use less fuel? That’s a must!
- Sustainably sourced logs? Of course!
- And logs with lower emissions? Absolutely yes!
The good news is…our logs tick all the boxes!
All our logs are Ready To Burn certified – meaning the logs we supply are ready for immediate use with no drying required.
As part of our Ready To Burn certification, we’re benchmarked against the following criteria for compliance with the scheme:
- Logs must have a moisture content below 20%
- Logs must be responsibly and ethically sourced with a felling license provided by the raw material supplier
- Logs must be cut to size so logs fit most wood-burning appliances
- The business must have a robust goods management process with critical control points in place, e.g. pre-delivery moisture testing
- Goods and point-of-sale must be appropriately labeled with the Ready To Burn certification mark
And that’s not all! 100% of our logs are locally and sustainably sourced – so more trees get planted for every tree taken!
All the heat without the guilt! Fire up the feel good!
We’re Ready To Burn accredited because we WANT to be – not because we have to be.
Many firewood suppliers became Ready To Burn certified after legislation came into force in England on 1 May 2021. This requires wood sold in volumes of up to 2m3 to be Ready To Burn certified as having a moisture content below 20%.
Whilst many firewood suppliers joined the scheme willingly, others did so reluctantly because they prefer to be self-regulated. In our view, the Ready To Burn certification has professionalised what has traditionally been a cottage industry, and without regulation, there are no set standards for the quality control of wood fuel.
Our logs have been Ready To Burn certified for several years – long before it became law for all wood fuel sold under 2m3 in England.
For us, being Ready To Burn accredited is a way of life. We believe responsible and ethical firewood production is our duty to our customers and to the natural environment.

What is Ready To Burn?
The Ready To Burn logo makes it easy to find the cleanest wood for burning at home. All you need to do is look for the Ready To Burn label on the packaging of any wood fuel sold in England.
Since 1 May 2021, the UK government has been phasing out wet wood sales in small volumes under 2m3 in England. This supports the aims set out in the government’s Clean Air Strategy to reduce emissions of air damaging pollutants by 2030.
The Ready To Burn scheme only applies to wood sales in England right now, but even if you burn firewood in Wales, you can still support the aims of Ready To Burn to reduce emissions and do your bit to improve air quality. After all, everybody wants to breathe cleaner air and reduce emissions whilst enjoying the pleasures of a log fire – giving you all the heat without the guilt!
What’s more, burning Ready To Burn kiln dried logs makes it easy to comply with Air Quality Domestic Solid Fuels Standards – England – Regulations that ban the sale of wet wood and house coal – which are the most polluting fuels.
All in all, Ready To Burn is really a no brainer!
What does the Ready To Burn legislation aim to do?
The Ready To Burn scheme aims to prevent harmful pollution from domestic burning of all solid wood fuels by ensuring all wood sold in volumes less than 2m3 is certified as having a moisture content below 20%. Currently, the rules apply to England-based firewood suppliers only.
Wet wood is polluting wood. What’s more, burning wet wood uses more fuel. So whilst wet or unseasoned wood might be cheaper in price, burning it is false economy. After all, you can’t burn water!
Logs sold in England in quantities under 2m3 MUST be certified as Ready To Burn.
Why do Ready To Burn kiln dried logs matter?
The popularity of wood burning stoves has boomed in recent years. And during the pandemic, sales of wood burners skyrocketed into a new dimension as we spent more time at home with nowhere to go and little to do.
That’s why it’s so important to enjoy the pleasures of wood burning ethically and responsibly. After all, a stove is only as clean and efficient as the wood you put in it.
We believe everybody who burns wood has a duty to burn safely, cleanly and responsibly – and it’s a pleasure to work with customers who share this mindset.
A stove is only as clean and efficient as the wood you put in it.
Our firewood production facilities
At Log HQ, we’re rightfully proud of our firewood production team, aka the “Prod Squad”. Our hardy, muscle-bound crew produces multi-thousands of cubic meters of Ready To Burn certified kiln-dried logs every year – and counting!
When they’re not producing kiln-dried softwood logs to help build fires, and kiln-dried hardwood logs to keep fires going, our Prod Squad performs essential machine maintenance to ensure our log production systems and processes are as efficient and productive as possible.
Waste wood recycling and re-purposing
As a result of our busy firewood production operation, we produce a considerable volume of wood waste. Thankfully, when it comes to wood waste, none of it is actually wasted at all!
We recycle and re-purpose 100% of our waste wood. The sawdust produced is used for applications such as animal and horse bedding. Other wood waste, such as wood debris, is diverted to biomass.
Working with locally and sustainably sourced timber
100% of the timber we work with is locally and sustainably sourced and harvested from well managed sources that are continuously replenished with more trees. Nothing is imported.
It gives us an enormous sense of satisfaction just knowing that the timber we process is locally and lovingly sourced – supporting local jobs, the local economy, and keeping transport carbon footprints low.