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Month: August 2018

How to cook a barbecue on a fire pit

How to cook a barbecue on a fire pit

Who says you can only have a barbecue if it’s cooked on an actual barbecue? After all, humans have been cooking over fire long before the barbecue grill as we know it today was ever invented – and that was back in the 1950s (you’ve got a certain American gentleman by...

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5 Wood Burning Resolutions You Must Make In 2020

5 Wood Burning Resolutions You Must Make In 2020

Happy New Year log lovers! We hope the flickering flames of your festive fires warmed your homes and hearts over the yuletide season. As we move into a new year and a new decade here are 5 essential Wood Burning Resolutions you need to make for 2020 and beyond: 1)...

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How to light an environmentally friendly log fire

How to light an environmentally friendly log fire

Wood burners, open fires and the environment. What exactly is the score with that? The environmental impact of wood burning dips in and out of headlines - but the often unbalanced reports certainly haven't thwarted sales of wood burning stoves. In fact, 200,000 new...

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5 ways you can use firewood in the summer

5 ways you can use firewood in the summer

Think firewood only ever gets used in the winter months? Think again! Because every summer that passes more and more people are looking to buy kiln dried firewood to use in the summer months. But what are they actually doing with it? Intrigued? You should be! Here are...

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Three wise reasons to pre-order your logs before Christmas

Three wise reasons to pre-order your logs before Christmas

Christmas. 'Tis the season to be jolly! But let's be frankincense (see what we did there?!). For most grown up folk, trying to hustle their way through the busy supermarket aisles, it's also one of the most stressful times of the year too! Here are our three (and very...

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5 reasons to stock up and buy firewood logs before winter

5 reasons to stock up and buy firewood logs before winter

When we bid farewell to summer and say ‘how do you do’ to the chillier climes of Autumn, here's why you should use the summer months to get stocked up on kiln dried logs before winter hits! Here are our top 5 reasons to stock up on firewood logs before winter...

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The 10 Log Commandments: thou shalts of log burning

The 10 Log Commandments: thou shalts of log burning

For a roaring smoke free fire that keeps you snug for hours follow The Log People’s 10 Log Commandments*: Thou shalt…1. Only burn fully Ready To Burn certified kiln dried logs! After all, you can’t burn water! And if you try to burn wet logs your fire will spit and...

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